An Oklahoma state senator is refusing to back down over a “misogynistic” sexual joke he made about Vice President Kamala Harris that has sparked a bipartisan backlash and some calls for his resignation.
Sen. Nathan Dahm defended himself on Twitter on Friday, writing he had no plans to be “politically correct” and has been told his jokes “are hilarious.”
He added that the “emotional” responses of his critics were “irrelevant.”
Dahm was speaking to Oklahoma City TV station KTUL-TV about a bill proposing a ban on paper straws when he said, “You can’t use a paper straw for a milkshake but maybe Kamala Harris could because of her vast experience, maybe she would be able to get that accomplished.”
The state lawmaker was elaborating on a news release he had issued Thursday that said paper straws “fall apart and turn to mush quicker than Joe Biden trying to string together a coherent sentence. They collapse like Mitt Romney under the slightest amount of pressure, and even with Kamala Harris…well, never mind.
The reporter pressed Dahm on the joke, asking why — when having an “adult conversation about deregulation” — the 38-year-old senator would choose to “throw in basically an oral sex implication.”